Metatron's Council of Light

Metatron’s Council of Light is a group of 12 Ascended Masters who have come together to assist earths and humanity’s ascension process.


I didn’t realise it at the time, but they first came to me during my meditation on New Years Day, 2018, while I watched the first sunrise of the year.


I could sense their presence, I knew there we 12 individual Beings who made up the group, and I had a knowing that they were my ‘Master Teachers.’


My consciousness wasn’t high enough yet to fully understand who they were, what their purpose was, or how I was supposed to to work with them, but over the following 2 years I could sense their presence while I moved through rapid spiritual awakenings and an increase in my intuitive and psychic abilities.

Still not knowing exactly who they were, in January 2019, they took me through the Embody initiation, and guided me to facilitate The Embody journey through, 1:1 Soul Activation healings, intimate group circles, and online courses.


But it wasn’t until March 2020, when I was in bed with severe tonsillitis that the Council of Light made their presence, their purpose (and my purpose) crystal clear.

Lying in bed, (feeling very sick and sorry for myself), The Council appeared, creating a circle which took up my whole bedroom, me being the 13th in the circle.


They presented themselves as channels of white, cosmic Light, beaming up into the Heavens, and down into the Earth. Each of the Masters had a different pastel colour light beaming from its heart space. When I asked them who they were, I received the words, METATRON’S COUNCIL OF LIGHT.


I could tell that the Soul of Mother Mary was the Being closest to my right. She had a pale pink Light frequency. Mother Mary had taken me through the Initiation of the Rose in the months leading up to this moment, and the Council told me that she had been preparing, and raising my energy field to be able to connect to the Council.


Next to her, was the Ascended Master Jesus, his light was a pastel Blue.

My spiritual symbol for as long as I can remember is the Blue Butterfly. My first business was actually called, Blue Butterfly Kinesiology. He told me that he had been the Blue Butterfly, always with me, showing me the way forward.


At that time, I couldn’t identify who the other Council members were, but I had knowing that each of them would take me on their own initiation process over time.



It took 2 years of listening, meditating, receiving and staying curious to "meet" all 12 Council members. 


They are now anchored as the Light Guardians of The Gathering Cosmic Mystery School and they also gift me with the bodies of work that I share, teach and hold space for others to experience. 


In my meditations they take me into The Temple of Light.


This energetic, ‘other world’ is made up of limitless rooms, spaces, temples, portholes. Each part of it holds a different frequency of Light Codes and Soul Activation potentials.


The Temple of Light exists within your own heart space. You can access it at any moment through your own state of Being and 5th dimension of consciousness. 


Your own consciousness is the key. 


The beings that guide each journey are pure essences of Love. There to witness, and reflect the Light that we are.


So many times I have felt a deep sense of unworthiness to be taken to these places, and given the gift (and responsibility) to take others there.


Each time they very simply, witness me in my shadow, and reflect the light that I truely am. I instantly have the experience, which leads to the knowing and the truth of who I am. My inherant worth, and capacity to lead with love and LIGHT.


Often I have have tears streaming down my face as I experience the magic of this world, and their unconditional love, support, and belief in me... in us!


I'll forever be a students and teacher of this work, and it's my honour to share this space with you. 


To meet, work with and receive from Metatron's Council of Light you can join the Gathering Cosmic Mystery school for free here:

Library of Light